ESSFN HANDS ON COURSE - Psychiatry & Basic Science


30 September – 2 October 2024


Amsterdam University Medical Center, University of Amsterdam

Local Host

Prof. Rick Schuurman


Isidoor Bergfeld,       Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Jocelyne Bloch,         Lausanne, Switzerland

Patric Blomstedt,       Umea, Sweden

Stephan Chabardes, Grenoble, France

Laura Cif,                    Lausanne, Switzerland

Volker Coenen,         Freiburg, Germany

Pelle De Koning,       Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Lorand Eross,             Budapest, Hungary

Roel Mocking,           Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Marloes Oudijn,        Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Jean Regis,                Marseille, France

Rick Schuurman,       Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Guido Van Wingen,  Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Ludvic Zrinzo,            London, United Kingdom

Each participant will at the end of each course, receive a certificate of attendance.
Those who are intending to obtain the European diploma of functional neurosurgery of ESSFN, at the end of the course cycle,  have to pass the examination at the end of each module.
Thus, each participant needs to organise their stay, so as to be present at the time of the final exam.
If you are unable to take the exam or fail, then it will be necessary to take the course again for a new examination.
To pass the exam, the candidate has to obtain a minimum score of 50%.